Social Fixer for facebook

Social Fixer for facebook

Social Fixer for facebook
"Social Fixer for Facebook" (formerly known as Better Facebook) is a free browser extension that improves the Facebook site by eliminating annoyances and adding lots of great enhancements and functionality. It runs in most browsers and installs in just a minute.

Download and Install

Click on your browser below to install. Current Version: 6.741 - Release Notes

Then just go to Facebook!


Tabbed News Feeds

Bring tabs to your news feed! Posts can be moved to tabs to group and classify them for easier reading. Leave the posts that you're most interested in on the Home tab, and move others to a tab to read later.
Themes (aka Skins)

(Click to enlarge)
Themes let you customize your Facebook experience by changing the colors, layout, styles, and images used. Tired of the boring blue and white Facebook? Personalize it!
Advanced Feed Filters

Feed Filters give you full control over what stories you want to see or hide. It also lets you define rules to move stories to separate tabs so they are logically grouped how you want them to be. Gone are the days of simple Facebook Feed Filters, which only let you choose to hide stories by type. Now you can specify such specific rules as hiding one type of story, only if posted by a few specified users, and only if they contain a key word (for example). That's power!
Hide Posts You've Already Read

If you have many friends, your feed can be fast-moving and overwhelming. Each time you visit, you have to scan your feed to see which stories are new and which ones you've already read. Social Fixer gives you the ability to mark posts as "read" - either individually or everything on the page - and they will be hidden next time you visit! Only new stories will be shown by default. But with the next feature, it gets even better...
Enlarge Thumbnails On Hover

When you hover over thumbnail images anywhere in Facebook (even thumbnail profile pictures by posts!) Social Fixer will automatically enlarge the picture and show it to you in the upper corner. This way you don't have to click on each image to view the full picture.
Highlight New Comments

If a post you have marked as "read" has new comments, Social Fixer will automatically detect this, and (optionally) make the post visible again so you can see the new comments. You can even mute the post so new comments don't appear anymore or set a threshold of comments, so once a certain number are reached, no new comments are shown. This is useful for posts by Pages that get hundreds of comments quickly - they won't keep popping in to your feed!
Quick Links To Your Pages and Events

Navigating around Facebook has never been easier! Social Fixer adds navigation panels to your left column with links to all the pages the you "Like" and your upcoming events. You can even selectively hide which items you don't want to show.
Friend Tracker - Notification Of Un-Friends

When someone unfriends you, you may not realize it right away. The Friend Tracker panel on the right side will alert you to anyone you are no longer friends with, and give you a link to their profile.
Enhanced Left-Column Navigation

Finding the links to some features of Facebook can be tricky. That's why Social Fixer can insert links into the left navigation bar to some common places you might want to go. It can also automatically expand Messages, Events, Photos, and Friends sections if you find those sub-menus handy.
Automatically Retrieve Older Posts

At the bottom of your news feed is a link labeled "Older Posts" which will retrieve earlier posts. Social Fixer can automatically click this link any number of times to get even more content into your feed. This also has the advantage of pulling in older posts, so if someone adds a comment on a post made 5 days ago, you can see it!
Pin Notifications

Notifications are handy, but you may not always click to see them. Social Fixer can move your notifications window to the right side of your Facebook display, and pin it there so it's always visible. This makes clicking on the notifications simple, and helps you always notice new notifications.
Custom CSS/Skins

Now you can add any CSS rules you want to the page, without extra browser extensions or custom code. Social Fixer gives you the ability to add a link to an external CSS file - which may contain rules for a certain skin, for example - and also to enter in arbitrary CSS rules that will get applied to the page. Now you can tweak the page however you want!


See the FAQ for help with lots of questions and answers!

About The Author

Want to know who created this crazy thing? See the About The Author page to learn about me.

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