TheVille Puppy Guide

TheVille Puppy Guide

You virtual abode in the “TheVille” may soon be filled with these furry little fellows thanks to Casey who seemed to have a knock for these little furry cuties. To join Casey and this furry endeavor you must reach level 5 in the game, when you log in at this level will see a prompt that will start the quest arch, shortly afterwards you will be rewarded with a new dog house for your pad, you locate the best spot for the dog house or save it later and store it in your inventory. The quest will officially star when you check the puppy icon.
Emergency at Casey!

Casey is adopting some cute little fellows, and she might need your help to feed those cute little furry fellows.
To complete this task, you must comply three sub –task to do so. 
• Collect 8 Puppy Food – request these items from friends.
• Visit Casey and ask about her “guests” – ask Casey about her furry little guest by visiting her
• Start Building your Dog House – in building you dog house you need to collect some materials/requirement s for the project ; 1 dog pillow, 2 Paint Can, 8 Screwdrivers and 10 Wood for the building of your dog house. Most of the things here could be requested from your friends except the dog pillow which you will craft them in your mail box – to do so, you will need Knowledge (5), Ribbons (4) and pools of thread (5) to craft one dog pillow.
Earn 2 xp and 35 coins for completing these tasks.


Prepping For Puppy 
Casey is looking for foster homes for the puppies and you abode is the perfect home for one of them, to adopt one you will to complete the tasks listed.
• Ask Neighbors for Puppy Advice – request help from your friends for this part.

• Buy More Trees – visit the market (outdoor section) and buy the required additional trees

• Build a Dog House at your Place – after completing the dog house it’s time to look for the right spot for it in your place.

Get 2 xp and 35 coins for completing this part.

Welcome Home Doggy 
It’s about time to bring the puppy home!

• Adopt your Pet – visit the market, you only have to choose one puppy from various selection so chose the most that you like best.

• Play with your Puppy – time to play with your cuddly pet, click the puppy and chose “paly with puppy” among the options.
• Collect 8 Chew Toys – it’s either you pay for this with your Ville cash or ask them from your friends or collect some by playing with your new pet.
Collect 2 xp and 35 coins for completing this part.
Treasure Hunter 
After adopting a cute furry little fellow, it is not bad to venture in to the open and do some fun filled adventure and discover buried treasures with the help of your puppy.

• Have 4 Pet Treats – ask your friends for this one, or craft them yourself using the Dog House the ingredients are listed on the crafting window so go collect them to start crafting.

• Tell your puppy to dig for Treasures – after giving your puppy the treats you could order it to go dig, your puppy will start running around looking for a spot to dig treasures, they are random so hope for the best of luck. Take note that you could go ask your puppy to dig treasures if you give ‘em treats, more treats-more digging-more treasures.
• Take a picture of your new puppy.
Earn 2 xp and 35 coins for completing this task.
Man’s Best Friend 
Now that you have your puppy in your house, would it be nice to tell your friends about it too?
• Tell neighbors about Casey’s Puppies – visit four of your friends
• Play with your neighbors Puppies – when you visit your friends, don’t forget to play with their puppies too.
• Craft Puppy Love – go back home, and click your doghouse, crafting menu for Puppy Love is also shown there along with the requirements, after collecting the needed articles start crafting.
Collect 2 xp and 35 coins for completing this part.

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