Thursday, October 11, 2012

Don’t Use Firefox 16 !!

Don’t Use Firefox 16.0 !!

Firefox 16.0
Firefox is always rolling out updates, fixes, and new versions, but today it appears that they might have jumped the gun a little bit. Firefox 16 is the latest version of the popular web browser and while it looked appealing at first, it turns out there was a serious security issue in the release.
The security issue at fault apparently made it possible for websites to access web history as well as a few other personal pieces of data. Mozilla has confirmed that this issue only affected Firefox 16 so anyone that has not upgraded is safe. They are, however, recommending that any and all users that upgraded to Firefox 16 uninstall and go back to Firefox 15 for the time being. A fix is being worked on, but has not been released at this time.

Download Firefox 15.0