Monday, November 12, 2012

FarmVille 2 Beginner's Guide

FarmVille 2 Beginner's Guide
FarmVille 2 Guide: Furnace

Lack of Power when you crafting some recipies??? don't worry, the new Furnace is now available in FarmVille 2 and it will allow you to harvest 10 additional Power every 8 hours. Here below will guide you how to get a Furnace.

Step 1: Place Furnace
Place Furnace

Step 2: Collect Materials and Start Building
Collect Materials and Start Building
  • Wood Planks: 8
  • Fire Bricks: 8
  • Metal Grate Bars: 8

Step 3: Hire 4 Friends and Finish Building

Hire 4 Friends and Finish Building
Hire 4 Friends and Finish Building

FarmVille 2 Quest Guide: Bossy Beasts

Bossy Beasts was unlocked in Level 10, it has 5 parts in FarmVille 2, here below task list to help you complete the quest fast, let's check out.

Part 1: Pie Sigh

  • Craft 5 Custard.
  • Craft 5 Berry Custard.
  • Craft 5 Blueberry Tarts.
  • Reward: 62 XP, 600 Coins

Part 2: Pie Sigh

  • Feed 4 Goats.
  • Feed 4 Chickens.
  • Make 10 Feed to replenish your stores.
  • Reward: 62 XP, 600 Coins

Part 3: Pie Sigh

  • Collect 5 Lariats to rein 'em in!
  • Plant 20 Sunflowers. They'll make a ton of Feed when ground!
  • Move 4 Animals.
  • Reward: 42 XP, 600 Coins

Part 4: Pie Sigh

  • Feed 4 Sheep.
  • Sell 5 Wool.
  • Perform 15 neighbor actions to share your shearing skills!
  • Reward: 52 XP, 600 Coins

Part 5: Pie Sigh

  • Have 7 Trees to give your animals some shade.
  • Water 7 Trees; they need TLC too!
  • Sell 20 recipes and give your animals a break.
  • R: 72 XP, 600 Coins

FarmVille 2 Strategy Guide: Level Up, Water, Crafting, Resources and More

This post will guide you how to make full use of you water, resources, level up fast in FarmVille 2. The specifics of these strategies will vary slightly depending on what level you are at, and change as your levels increase. 

Water Strategy
Water Strategy

 Note:  If you can, visit your farm once an hour

  • First visit (hour 0), all your water goes to new planting, with any leftover to trees. Spend to 0, clear inbox, spend to 0;
  • Hour 1: Spend to 0 on trees of five plot visits growing your 24-hour crops. Leave your main plots alone even if there are visiting neighbors. Clear your inbox and spend to 0 again;
  • Hour 2: Spend to 0 on trees or five plot visits, clear your inbox and spend to 0 again;
  • Hour 3: Spend to 0, clear inbox, but DON’T SPEND the bonus water you get from your inbox. Save this for the next crop cycle in one hour;
  • Hour 4: This is a crop cycle hour – same as Hour 0 except you are also using water for neighbor visits

Resource Strategy

Resource Strategy

Do not sell harvested crops, eggs, cheese, milk, etc. unless you really need the coin for something Maintain savings until you get to about 500 eggs, 500 cheeses, 500 milks. Use your 24-hour crops for feed unless you run out, then use other crops as needed but only as needed. Anything above 500 of milk, eggs, cheese can be sold because you will continuously be making more.

Inbox Strategy

Spend water and bottles before clearing your inbox. Never let your inbox get to more than 125 messages waiting if you are playing the game (the number it shows is notoriously behind and you never want to get full).

Crafting Strategy

Crafting Strategy

You want lime trees, nutmeg trees, plum trees, apricot trees as soon as you can get them. Overall, the best recipes are potato salad, muffins, plum betty, apricot trifle, lime water, etc. that provide high XP and decent coin return without a bunch of crafting steps. Do nothing with your potatoes until you can make potato salad, convert your wheat to flour and make batter and pie crusts (about three batters for each one pie crust) in anticipation for plums, nutmeg, sweet potatoes.

Expansion Strategy

Expansion Strategy
Expand as soon as you can afford it. You can spend Farm Bucks wisely to get these expansions quickly – buy out the crafting portion of the requirements and complete the other two. The crafting portions are the only ones that are level-specific. So for a few farm bucks, you can get the expansions well before you would have if you waited for the crafting to become available. To get the farm bucks, check the OFFERS tab in game to see if there is anything you need or want to buy for someone for XMAS, birthdays, etc. Get the Farm Bucks as a bonus for bying these items at regular price. Only spend actual money buying farm bucks if you really want them and have found nothing you want in the offers tab.

Level Up Strategy

Level Up Strategy

 As you get near leveling up, plant your highest unlocked 24-hour crop with each crop cycle until your farm is completely planted with that crop. Then, you may want to wait one more crop cycle (four hours) doing nothing but watering trees. Try to get everything watered and fertilized before leveling up. Then level up and harvest EVERYTHING to give you the highest levels of XP and crafting resources. Often, this will give you enough feed to last at least halfway through your next level.

FarmVille 2 Crops Strategy Guide

Place as many plots as you have well space + 10 to 15. If you have 4 wells, place 50-55 plots. If you use the five plots trick & your neighbors understand it, increase this by another 10 plots. Also, don't count your five plots in this total Consider your crops in 4-hour "cycles."

FarmVille 2 Crops Strategy Guide
Each day:
For the first "cycle," place 1/3rd of your plots with potatoes (as soon as they become unlocked to you). If potatoes aren’t available, choose another 12 hour crop. Place the rest in wheat. Water & fertilize;
When your wheat is done, your wells will be ready. Harvest your wheat. If any neighbors have visited, check to see if they are visiting any blank plots. If they are, plant them with your highest 24-hour crop (strawberries, sunflowers, carrots, cucumbers), water, fertilize, use your neighbor to speed-grow, and harvest. If the neighbor works one or more of your potato plots, allow them to speedgrow then harvest;
FarmVille 2 Crops Strategy Guide

Once all your neighbor visits are used, plant your crops so that 2/3rd of your plots are now potatoes. Basically, 1/3rd will now have 8 hours left, and 1/3rd will have 12 hours left. Place wheat on the remainder plots. Water & fertilize;
Four hours later, harvest your wheat, accept your neighbor help (plant your 24-hour crop water and fertilize in any blank spot before accepting the help), then plant everything with potatoes.
If you are still up for the next cycle, clear your ready potatoes and replace with potatoes. Usually, though, you will not get more than three crop cycles in in a day and will end up starting over when you wake up.

FarmVille 2 Quest Guide: Fiesta De Calor

Fiesta De Calor quest has 4 parts, which was unlocked in Nov. 2 in FarmVille 2, here below task list to help you complete the quest fast, let's check out.

Part 1: Fiesta Farm

  • Collect 5 strong Twine to hang lights from. (Ask Friends | Skip 20 FB)
  • Have 3 Southwestern Decorations*.
  • Craft 10 tasty Lemonades. Decorating is thirsty work! (Skip 13 FB)
  • R: 4 XP, 400 Coins

Part 2: Spicing it Up

  • Master Habanero Peppers to level 1. We're going to need a lot of peppers!
  • Craft 5 sweat-inducing Spicy Quesos. (Skip 10 FB)
  • Harvest 4 Wells. We'll need lots of water to put out the fire in our party guests' mouths! (Skip 40 FB)
  • R: 4 XP, 400 Coins

Part 3: Questionable Delectables

  • Craft 5 Orange Cupcakes. This mariachi band loves 'em! (Skip 10 FB)
  • Harvest 8 Olives.* Orange Cupcakes and Olives...not MY favorite snack combo. (Skip 7 FB)
  • Feed 5 Goats for Milk. Orange Cupcakes, Olives, and Goat Milk. These guys have weird eating habits. (Skip 4 FB)
  • R: 4 XP, 400 Coins

Part 4: Party Animals

  • Harvest 30 Onions for some dip! (Skip 12 FB)
  • Feed 20 animals to give them energy to party all night! (Skip 9 FB)
  • Collect 5 fragrant Potpourri, to cover up the smell of all these party animals! (Skip 20 FB)

FarmVille 2 Quest Guide: Circus Sensibilities

The carnies, clowns and acrobats arrived first, but in a state of disarray and confusion. Let's help them get set-up. Circus Sensibilities was unlocked in level 16, it has 4 parts, here below task list to help you complete the quest fast.

Part 1: It's a Circus

  • Harvest 10 Broccoli. These carnies definitely need more vitamins!
  • Collect 10 Wool for the clown costumes. They need to look really fat.
  • Harvest 3 Horseshoes. Theirs fell off the train!

Part 2: Clown Control

  • Collect 5 Quilt Scraps for clown costumes. The hobo look gets laughs.
  • Craft an Apple Pie. Clowns can't resist throwing pies.
  • Harvest 2 Peach Trees. We'll sell peach drinks to the crowds!

Part 3: Bread and Circus

  • Craft 3 Peach Lemonade.
  • Craft 3 Cheddar Loafs
  • Craft 3 Butter for all the popcorn.

Part 4: Clown Car Complication

  • Hire and use 1 Farm Hand. Make sure friends don't run away with the circus!
  • Harvest Wells 4 times. They need to clean up the elephants' mess.
  • Craft 4 Dough for the clown car interior. That's what they said!

FarmVille 2 Quest Guide: Fair Fare

Fair Fare quest has 6 parts, which was unlocked in level 24 in FarmVille 2, here below task list to help you finish the quest fast, let's check out.

Part 1: The Prep Step

  • Collect 5 Cowbells to make your animals look pretty. (Ask Friends)
  • Have 15 animals. They're your Fertilizer producers!
  • Feed animals 15 times to gather Fertilizer.

Part 2: Heavy Veggies

  • Plant 40 crops.
  • Use Fertilizer on 15 crops.
  • Harvest a Prized Crop for the County Fair.

Part 3: Chicken Chicanery

  • Tend adult Chickens 10 times.
  • Have 3 Prized Chickens.
  • Tend Prized Chickens 3 times to show them off!

Part 4: Regional Distribution

  • Collect 5 Canning Jars to contain all the preserves you're about to make. (Ask Friends) (Skip 10 FB)
  • Craft 10 Pie Crusts, we'll need plenty! (Skip 13 FB)
  • Have 5 Apple Trees. That fruit is gonna come in handy! (Skip 10 FB)

Part 5: I Pie with my Little Eye

  • Have 7 Expansions. You'll need the space!
  • Harvest Apple Trees 5 times. Don't sell those apples, either! (Skip 4 FB)
  • Harvest 20 Strawberries. You'll need them for the pies! (Skip 9 FB)

Part 6: Get Rich or Pie Trying

  • Collect 5 Pie Tins for the pies. (Skip 10 FB)
  • Craft 10 Strawberry Pies. The girls are eating strawberry pies! (Skip 24 FB)
  • Craft 10 Apple Pies. The boys are eating apple pies! (Skip 24 FB)

FarmVille 2 Tip for Faster Collection Wells During Missions

This is a tip that might be useful if you're playing FarmVille 2 and all of a sudden during a mission you are asked to collect 4, 5 or 6 times the water wells. In reality should not expect but you can easily collect ten times its wells without waiting for a second.
  • Make sure you have your water gauge filled to maximum
  • Sprinkle a single seed or tree. You have 29 drops of water in the tank.
  • Collect your well the first time. Your water gauge goes back up.
  • Sprinkle again a single seed or tree. You have 29 drops of water tank:
  • Collect your well again and it should be up again!